336000CW Global Studies
Prerequisite: Recommended for 9th grade
1 Unit

Description: This course begins with a geography focus-including physical geography, human geography, and mapping skills. This will be interwoven with the study of history of the Earth's peoples from the development of civilization to the Renaissance and eighteenth century.


336200CW Global Studies II
Prerequisite: Recommended for 10th grade
1 Unit

Description: This course focuses on the history and geography of humans from the development of classical civilizations through today. This course will focus on why civilizations developed where and when they did, why they declined and their contributions to the development of our culture.

332000CW U.S. History CP
Prerequisite: Recommended for 11th grade
1 Unit

Description: This course will offer an overview of significant events from PreColumbian America through the Cold War. The major thrust of the course will be a study of 20th century America. Writing skills will be emphasized. A test on the constitution is required.


336000CW American Government CP
Prerequisite: Recommended for 12th grade
1/2 Unit

Description: This course will offer an in-depth study of the United States government's structure, powers, and decision-making process. It will include a study of state government, emphasizing South Carolina and Aiken County, and provide a brief overview of comparative governments of the world. Current news media and other parallel reading will be used to enrich the curriculum.


335000CW Economics CP
Prerequisite: Recommended for 12th grade
1/2 Unit

Description: This class will emphasize the principles of economics and their application in the market economy. Supply and demand, foreign trade, business organization, money and banking and monetary policy will be emphasized.

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